c/o Department of Coins & Medals British Museum, Great Russell Street London WC1B 3DG robert@orientalnumismaticsociety.org
The South Asian Section secretary is Mohit Kapoor reg.sec@ons-sa.org
Mohit Kapoor is Regional Secretary for the South Asian section.
Oriental Numismatic Society South Asia Section organises meetings in several locations. Notices are first posted via the section's Facebook page.
Next Meeting:
Kokata Meeting of ONS South Asian Section, 2015
Nashik Meeting of ONS South Asian Section 2016
Speakers at the Ahmedabad meeting, April 2017
Attendants at the Bengaluru meeting, 28th Feb 2016
Attendants at the Mumbai meeting, 22nd January 2016
Mahesh A. Kalra, former ONS South Asian Section Secretary