Oriental Numismatic Society
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at 11am on Saturday 12th November 2016 at the Department of Coins and Medals in the British Museum.
Present: Joe Cribb (in the Chair), Robert Bracey, Paramdip Khera, Stan Goron, Ben Bream, Barbara Mears, David Hartill, Karan Singh, Bryan Birch, Keith Turner, Paul Lewis, Shankar K Bose, Shakti Sharma, Ashok Chana, Suresh Sharma, Michael Mitchiner, Helen Wang, Yasuyo Ohtsuka (guest). Sixteen members were present for the meeting.
Minutes of the last AGM
It was agreed that the minutes of the AGM meeting, on Saturday 21stNovember 2015 at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, were a true record of the last meeting.
Paul Stevens, Peter Smith and Howard and Frances Simmons sent their apologies.
Council’s 2016 report
Joe Cribb presented a report on the Society’s activities in the last year. A copy of the AGM 2016 annual report is attached to these minutes.
Treasurer’s report
Ben Bream reported that this year’s income was level. There is no need to increase subscriptions.
Election of officers and council members
Paramdip Khera is taking over from Peter Smith as the new UK and Eire Section Secretary. Paul Stevens is taking over from Bob Senior as General Section Secretary.
Shailendra Bhandare is the new Publication Secretary. Karan Singh and Terry Hayes are welcomed as council members. All were elected unanimously by the meeting.
It was agreed at the meeting for Peter Smith to become an honorary member of the ONS to honour him for his service over the years.
The council and members were informed that Frances Simmons would not be speaking at the section meeting due to unforeseen circumstances.
As there was no further formal business the meeting was closed.
Oriental Numismatic Society
AGM annual report 2016
3 more issues of JONS nos 225–7 published and distributed. Due to the change of editor the issues are a little behind schedule, but will catch up with the next issue, which is currently in its final stages of production. We thank our editor Robert Bracey for his handling of the transfer and repeat his call for support in the editing process.
Thanks to the efforts of our European Section Secretary the digitisation of back copies of the journal has been completed so they can be made available on the web. We expect this project to be completed early next year, so that all back copies of the journal, apart from the last three years to be accessible on the Society’s website.
South Asia Section
Secretary: Mahesh A. Kalra. 253 members
3 meetings during the year in Nasik (January), Mumbai (January) and Bangalore (February) and stalls at various coin fairs.
North America Section
Secretary: Pankaj Tandon. 124 members
Annual meeting in New York on 10 January.
UK and Eire Section
New Regional Secretary: Paramdip Khera. 95 members
3 meetings during year, 2 in London (February and November), 1 in Oxford (May)
Europe Section
Secretary: Jan Lingen. 225 members
Regular meetings were held in Tübingen (7-8 May, 2016), Leiden (15 Oct. 2016) and Cologne (14 Nov. 2015), besides ONS promotion stands, with small exhibitions, were set-up at some of the major coin fairs in the Netherlands (2) and Belgium (1).
Members attended Second International Conference on Oriental Numismatics (ICON II) from 26 - 29th September 2016, at the State Hermitage Museum at St. Petersburg.
Pakistan Section
Secretary: Shafqat Mirza. 41 members
Annual Meeting in Islamabad on 5 November
General Section
New Regional Secretary: Paul Stevens. 19 members
Worldwide membership now at c. 759 members
Facebook pages (General, South Asia and US subpages) active
Website active and being further developed http://orientalnumismaticsociety.org.