Oriental Numismatic Society
2013 report
Secretary General: Joe Cribb
Deputy Secretary General/ Journal Editor: Stan Goron
Secretary/UK Section Secretary: Peter Smith
Treasurer: Ben Bream
Publications Secretary/Assistant Journal Editor: Robert Bracey
Membership Secretary: Paul Withers
European Section Secretary: Jan Lingen
American Section Secretary: Pankaj Tandon (previously Charlie Karukstis)
South Asian Section Secretary: Mahesh Kalra (previously Dilip Rajgor)
Pakistan Chapter Secretary: Shafqat Mirza
General Section Secretary: Bob Senior
Ordinary council members: Shailendra Bhandare, Barbara Mears, Paul Stevens, Howard Simmons
2013 Activities:
During 2013 the society published four volumes of its Journal (nos. 214-217), including members news, obituaries, book reviews, meeting reports and research articles.
Contact details for the Society’s officers, news of meetings, book reviews and other notices, together with the index of articles in all volumes of the Journal are available on line at the Society’s website http://orientalnumismaticsociety.org.
The Society also maintains a presence on Facebook, to reach the many oriental coin collectors around the world using this social network (http://www.facebook.com/OrientalNumismaticSociety).
Section meeting were held at New York, Oxford, Tübingen, Cologne, London, Odessa, Utrecht and Delhi. The AGM was held at the London meeting in November. At present the Society has just over 500 members worldwide.